Wednesday, December 1, 2010

World Aids Day 2010

Today is December 1, 2010 today is world AIDS Day. I'm a man living with HIV and I am lucky enough to be healthy enough to only be living with HIV. Many others out there around the world are not as fortunate as I am. They lack the medicine necessary to keep the virus at bay. In some cases they lack the simple availability of a condom.

Just yesterday an old friend of mine started up a conversation with," would you mind if I asked you a question?" the conversation that followed was a question-and-answer of some of the most basic questions about HIV. I happily answered my friends questions and in my opinion there is one less person out there among the thousands who are afraid of people with HIV.
Today is world AIDS Day. It is a day that we as human beings can come together and stand up in the fight against AIDS.

Part of that fight includes education.

Here is a link to web M.D. which has fantastic questions and answers about HIV

here is a link to POZ magazine. there are lots of great articles about those of us surviving with HIV.

and here's the link for FACING AIDS, our government World Aids Day website.

Do yourself and those you love a favor.....go to these websites and learn the facts for yourself. Then stand up with the rest of us who are HIV+ and make world AIDS Day........ every day!

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