Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Water please....

Most people think being a flight attendant is an incredibly glamorous job.

I mean how hard can it be. You show up for work, you get on an airplane, you say hello to people as they get on and off the airplane, you serve them a Coke or Pepsi during the flight and then you stay overnight in some fabulous city around the world. What most people don't realize is that unless you are incredibly senior with your company, you are most likely doing multiple flights a day, and your layovers are usually less than 11 hours.
Some of the hotels we stay in are barely a step up from Motel with even less availability of healthy food nearby. Combine that with the fact that every year you fly puts two on your body, is it any wonder that flight attendants have the highest instance of kidney failure in any one industry?

My doctor pointed out to me a long time ago, flight attendants do not get enough rest, do not take enough water, and more often than not don't have time to go to the bathroom during a flight. The latter in itself can cause urea backup which can be harmful to the kidneys and liver.

So what's the lesson to be learned here? You don't have to be a flight attendant to drink enough water, and when you need to go....... Go! Your kidneys will thank you later.

Happy Holiday Travels.....Bring lots of Water!


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