Monday, November 29, 2010

Three Day Cleanse

I get asked alot if doing a cleanse is "safe" for us who are living with chronic illness. The answer, YES, as long as you are smart about it.
A cleanse, also known as a liquid fast ( I know...scary but does get better), opens up your body to flush out all the toxins that have been built up. This is especially important for the Kidney's, Liver, Pancrease, and Colon, when you are takeing ANY kind of medication. Cancer treatment, HIV or simple mood equalization. These drugs build up in our bodies and can keep our organs from functioning at their best.....don't we have enough to contend with?
 Traditionally you feed yourself the day before you start your fast with only fresh raw fruits and vegetables. Apples, berries, melons, carrots, celery.....they are all great to munch on the day before. Most cleanses suggest you make a vegetable broth the day before ( no salt added ) so if you want to feel like your "eating" something, you can have a bowl of the broth. (it helped me)

Here is a link to a great three day cleanse. You can start with one day and work up to three if you prefer.
From my personal experience I can tell you that you will feel amazing the day after you break your fast.....
And as with any change in diet or exercise....PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR!

Here is a basic three day cleanse how to....

Specific to the colon...

and with the Holiday's creeping up on's great info on detox's and weight loss.....

Best of luck and happy and healthy bodies.....we can be healthy with chronic illness!


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